


Since its creation in 1978, Institut Supérieur de Formation Permanente (INSUP FORMATION) has been supporting young and adult jobseekers towards a work activity and has been helping employees to develop their skills.

Open on Europe and on the world, INSUP has created its own international mobility department (to host and send  jobseekers on Erasmus + internship) and has taken part in many European strategic partnerships including  the AKI project that INSUP coordinates.

From 2009 till 2016, we had been entrusted the promotion of the mobility policy  of  the Regional Council of Aquitaine  through its Aquitaine Cap Mobility Platform.

In 2011, our R x D department developed the Tutorat et Capitalisation des Competences (TCC)  tool for the Local Missions of the Region Aquitaine. Used in the framework of the  Aquitaine Cap Mobility Platform, this pedagogical tool, shared by the beneficiary experiencing mobility, the sending organisation adviser and the hosting company, allowed to assess the professional, language and transversal skills of the young participants. This TCC tool received an European price in 2013 (VITA AWARD “la VITA è bella”) for innovative initiatives related to the validation of the informal and non-formal learning in Europe.

In 2012, INSUP met his AKI partners at a consortium organised by the OFQJ partner to highlight the competences developed during a mobility experience. Invited to present its TCC tool, INSUP has then created specific versions for the OFQJ, OFAJ and BIJ offices.

Consequently the AKI project provided an opportunity for INSUP to gather around him these major mobility actors to make the transversal competences developed during an experience of mobility more visible and to help young participants to better value them.


Contact :

Anne Larramendy
AK I project coordinator
alarramendy@insup.org + 33 5 56 01 55 86

Alexandra Sanchis
R x D officer
asanchis@insup.org + 33 5 56 01 55 86